Wednesday, January 21, 2009

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm so happy and grateful for my parents

When I journal I start it out with I'm so happy and grateful for. I thought I would do it on my blog today insteatd. I've tried to be in quiet meditation but my thoughts keep spinning around issues of race and history.

On this historical day, history was being made long before. It's all I keep thinking about today.

My parents Joan Newby and Robert Newby are the people to me that make this day even possible. Barack and I are about the same age. When i was a baby my parents were trying to get jobs as teachers. They were both told that they weren't needed because they already had "colored" teachers. My father was hired because he spoke the King's English. My mother was denied roles in college musical productions at K-State in Manhattan Ks, my father was part of the first sit-ins in the nation in Wichita, Ks. The list goes on of what my parents endured and participated in. They took chances because if they did not then they would have been stuck in places that did not fulfill their spirit, and as we see even on this day, sitting and waiting for things to change, was not an option worth taking. So I dedicate this blogspot to my parents. Barack Obama stands on their shoulders, as pioneers.

You don't have to be Malcome X, Martin Luther King, Harriett Tubman to be known as a pioneer in history. Most pioneers never make it into the history books because there are so many. Those that worked on the local level like my parents. My parents who influenced school districts, city governemt, universities, and national policy.

I also think about how so many people are entrenched in racist thinking, resentment of how people of color learn to exist, survive, excell and simply be among those who would rather they not. But I don't want to think about that because there are so many more people I know that choose to think inclusively.

Thank you mon, dad, grandpa childs and all the ones who came before you whose shoulders we stand upon.

Peace IN

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Power of Intention

On October 18, 2008 I picked up my dear friend Bill Rosen to attend the Barack Obama Rally at the Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri. We set the intention that we were going to get right up front to the stage, we were going to speak to Barack Obama and he was going to speak to us.
We arrived at 12:15 knowing the gates would not open until 4pm. As we sat on my blanket in our place in line I began reading the book I brought with me to pass the time, Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, the Power of Intention.
The gates opened early and Bill and I made a bee-line towards the metal detectors. We passed through and got a place right at the fence area around the stage, less than 10 feet.
Barack came on stage around 6pm and spoke for about 30 minutes. He then came down the stairs and walked right over to us. Bill and I both shook his hand, said thank you to him and he looked us straight in the eye and said "your welcome" . Every intention was met. But we got a bonus. We were told that he would be signing books. Most people handed over Barack's books Dreams for My Father, and Audacity if Hope. I did not have these books, but I did have the Power of Intention. I handed them the book and it came back with Barack's signature.
Not only is the signature a testimonial to the power of intention, but it came at a moment when you could see evidence of intention not only in Barack but in the sea of 75,000 people who flocked from Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa, and drove from parts of Missouri that were 2 and 3 hours away to be inspired during a time of greatness.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


First Life At The Core Blog Post

Here is my first blog post. More to come later.

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